Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #139.

Weekend coffee #139.

This week the world lost a few super talented musicians along with countless other promising souls as we continue to grapple with a pandemic, civil unrest, the opioid crisis and a system that works against almost everyone. While I realize how dark that sounds, it’s tough to sugarcoat reality when you’re living through “unprecedented times.” And while the options are limited at best, please vote this fall. It’s so important. Stepping off my soapbox, here’s some of what I encountered the last few days:

That’s all for now. Until next time - thanks for following along and be well.

Image by me, Tuesday, Aug. 25 at 5:58 a.m.

Weekend coffee #140.

Weekend coffee #140.

Weekend coffee #138.

Weekend coffee #138.