Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #100.

Weekend coffee #100.

Not going to lie, I’m pretty happy with how Thanksgiving turned out. But dang, that meal takes a lot of work. And now we get to the heart of the holiday season - my favorite part. We just had a change in travel plans for December, and surprisingly I’m not mad about it. There’s something cozy about being home for the holidays and having the opportunity to decorate early (cue: the tree). Here’s what else I’m thinking about, in a quick list format:

That’s it for now - I’m ready to return to the couch, sloth-like, waiting for my caffeine to kick in. Until next time - thanks for following along.

Image by @omerrana.

2019 gift guide.

2019 gift guide.

Weekend coffee #99.

Weekend coffee #99.