Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #56.

Weekend coffee #56.

I think I jinxed myself in my 2018 recap post, praising myself for getting back to blogging and keeping it up all of last year. We’re only a few weeks into 2019 and I’m struggling, with multiple drafts open, to figure out what it is that I want to say. I think part of the problem, one of the perils of being “professional,” is that I bite my tongue to the point where I’m ready to explode. So rather than unleash it all at once, I’m trying to sit with my discomfort and articulate my points before hitting “save & publish.” Luckily, this weekly outlet allows me to share what I’m thinking about without delving in too deep. Here’s the current list:

  • “There are certain moments in your life when you suddenly understand something about yourself.” The Secrets of Lyndon Johnson’s Archives. The latest from Robert Caro.

  • A Cup of Jo asking the hard hitting questions, like “How do you think about death?” Mostly I don’t, maybe because people don’t really talk about it. What do you think?

  • I love New York City history. It’s so much interesting than present day. Am I romanticizing what life was like? Oh, 100 percent, but let me have my delusions.

  • A Goodbye To Debi Martini Of The Red Aunts. It’s been a tough month for the California punk scene. Lorna Doom, Len Rokk, Maximumrocknroll (in print).

  • Dry January expires soon, and with it, my shopping ban. Think I might need to do a quick Kon Mari on my closet before I make any new purchases, though I do keep thinking about boots…

Until next week. Stay warm.

Image by Gotafli.

Making space for rage (at work).

Making space for rage (at work).

(Some) recent work #2.

(Some) recent work #2.