Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Guess who's back?

Guess who's back?

Wow. So it's been awhile, hasn't it? In Internet time, it's been...forever. But I'm back, dusting off the old online persona and ready to discuss whatever comes to mind. For now, that's what I've been up to and what I'm doing next. As one might imagine, a lot has happened since I stopped blogging regularly (or at least semi-regularly) back in 2015. 

I got married so there's that. You might notice that my domain and social channels stayed the same so no, I did not change my name. But thanks for all the Christmas cards addressed to my mother-in-law. Snark, aside. Being married is a lot like...being not married. Same dude, same dogs, same day-to-day. 

Hm, what else. We went to Jamaica on our honeymoon. And Las Vegas this fall. Thinking back there was a pretty epic trip to France in 2016 that I didn't cover. A couple sprint triathlons. I completed the Spartan Trifecta. Ran until I couldn't run anymore (no, seriously, I developed like an allergy). Started to relearn the Italian language. Found out I have way more Irish relatives than I ever imagined. Made 52 different taco recipes over the course of a year (deeply regret not capturing that project). The list goes on and on. 

Now there's why I'm back. Beyond my love of sharing my opinions on just about everything, my professional life is changing. After a five full-time years in PR, I'm going rogue. Looking for new adventures and new horizons to explore.

So stay tuned. The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades. 

I read 54 books and counting

I read 54 books and counting

(Repost) I Am The “I” In Your Team

(Repost) I Am The “I” In Your Team